Long and short sleeve onesies depending on season you’re in – Carters stuff is great.
Kimono tops for newborn stage – we had people recommend this for the first days when the umbilical cord was an issue – we had them and then never used them so I think this is a dealers choice.
Zip Pajamas – If you’re buying in bulk, carters or target has great zip pjs – we have a ton of snap pjs too, but they are a TOTAL pain in the butt – most of them were hand me downs. So if you’re registering for jamma jams -go zip! Our absolute FAVORITE PJ’s are from Lark Adventurewear. Put these on your registry and you WON’T regret it.
Pants/Leggings – You’re going to need some pants for your little guy. Carters again makes it easy. But some of our faves are H&M.
Other favorite clothing brands:
Baby Sleep
My recommendation is to have 2-3 swaddles of the swaddle that works for your baby, otherwise you’re going to be desperately doing laundry before a nap…My son would pee up his back for the first 3 weeks ALL the time..I still to this day do not understand how this happened and why it finally stopped, but needless to say we were always out of the swaddle we liked.
Love to Dream Swaddle Up – For the baby who wants his hands in the air. This was the one we swore by with both our children.
Woombie – Other swaddle we used and that worked for us if the swaddle ups were in the wash. Our son was an escape artist and literally got out of everything else we tried.
Halo Sleep Sack – I have friends that swore by these, but honestly the velcro is super loud and annoying, and you’re usually handling them at bedtime so you really don’t want something that loud..again…zipper is best. ALWAYS
Merlin Sleepsuit – At about 3 months you can transition to this, it was a GREAT transition from the swaddle. Unfortunately we only were able to use it for a month or so because my son was a maniac and managed to muscle is way onto his stomach IN THE SUIT (which obviously gave me a heart attack), so we had to transition to nothing sooner than we wanted.
Crib –This is very much a personal decision. Target has fantastic cribs that are very affordable. I got a hand me down and chose to allocate more money on an organic material mattress. Pro Tip: If you’re looking to save some money, get on Craigslist or FB Marketplace for secondhand cribs.
Mattress – There are other organic material mattresses too – just do your research.
Baby Shusher – I put this under sleeping but it can go anywhere – this was an absolute LIFESAVER…it seems ridiculous but its not. If you have a fussy newborn your lips will be CHAPPED after 3 days of shooshing. This is the single best purchase you’ll make.
WHITE NOISE. WHITE NOISE. WHITE NOISE. Marpac Dohm – this is legit the best one out there. All the ones created specifically for kids are just not that great. They also have a travel version of this which is great so you don’t have to use your phone.
Pack N’ Play – This is super useful if you get the bassinet piece. Our son slept in this in our room for the first 6 weeks and then we repurposed it in our playroom when we wanted to keep him contained.
SNOO – Ok…this didn’t exist when I had my son, but I found it second hand and for when our daughter was born. I cannot swear by this thing enough. I never once had to rock or bounce our daughter to sleep and she has been an independent sleeper from day 1. It’s definitely a splurge but if you can borrow from a friend or find second or third or 4th hand it’s definitely worth it.
Halo Bassinet – I have friends that absolutely loved their halo. I didn’t have one but this is a more affordable option and if you’ve had a C-Section it helps that you can bring the baby to you during those first few weeks of recovery.
Dock A Tot – I swore by this. My son slept in this for the first two month. We just set it inside the pack n play so he was nice and cozy. It made transitioning to his crib much easier because we just put it inside the crib too. We also used to call it the “baby platter” because we could just put him in it and we’d move him around the house while he was sleeping. There are plenty of similar more affordable options, this just happens to be the one that we found and used. Snuggle me and Baby lounger are also available on Amazon.
Baby Bjorn Travel Crib – If you don’t travel a lot this isn’t a necessity. We travel frequently so it has gotten a LOT of use. It’s much lighter than the Pack n Play.
Baby Swings/Seats – We had the Mamaroo. It worked wonders for one of our kids and not so much the other. Same for the Baby Bjorn bouncer. I was glad we had both but each kid preferred the opposite one.
Bottles and Feeding
Bottles – we didn’t try many, we gave both our kids a bottle after 2 weeks and never had issues. You’ll want to get a couple different nipple sizes – 0-3m and 3-6m 6m+
Burping Cloths Loved these cute Aden & Anais ones with my first, but with my second just ordered a big pouch of these and they were far more versatile.
Breastfeeding Pillows – I inherited a MyBreastFriend and Boppy and I really preferred the MyBreastFriend. But I think that it’s largely dependent on your breast size and baby. The boppy at least doubled as a tummy time pillow and lounger.
Bottle Rack drier: We went with the OXO – I really liked it but just replaced it after 2.5 years with this and actually like this more.
Boon Bottle Warmer – we swear by this one…its SO easy
High Chair – I don’t love the one we have, it’s not an eye sore in our kitchen which is why we went with it but there are a couple of annoying things about it. If you’re looking for simple my friends have good things to say about the Joovy.
Cloth Bibs – Babies drool A LOT. So bibs always come in handy in lieu of changing their shirt all the time.
Food Bibs – when your baby starts eating these bibs are great to catch all the food.
Bowls – We swore by this. All you need is one!
Baby Bathing
Baby Lotion: Aquaphor, Mustela, Eucerin
Baby Washcloth – Kind of random but I am obsessed with these for baby. Great for baby acne, which if you didn’t know it, is a thing.
Baby Bathub – We didn’t like our first one which was the fisher price 4 in 1 swing, so we got a new one with second baby. Loved the Skip Hop.
Shampoo & Body Wash – We have been using this for 2.5 years and love it.
Bath Towels – we had a couple Aden & Anais hooded bath towels but for the amount of use they got they didn’t hold that well. We also have 3 hooded bath towels from Restoration Hardware and they have definitely withstood.
Baby Care & Misc
Nose Frida – I always thought this was gross until my baby had congestion. Those bulbs they give you at the hospital are completely insufficient. The Nose Frida is the single best invention for clearing snot.
Gas Maintenance: This is something that no one really talks about. Probably because the gas and grunting happens during the first 8 weeks (when you’re the most sleep deprived and still have tons of oxytocin pumping into your system). A couple products that worked well for us were:
- Gripe Water – this helps with has but also gets rid of hiccups
- Colic Drops – if things get really bad this was my last resort
- Little Remedies Gas Drops – This was our go to for the really gassy period
- Windi – this is mostly for constipation but definitely helps relieve gas too
Pacifiers – we liked the soothies / wubbanubs. The hospital usually carries these so you should ask for a bunch before you leave.
Swaddle Blankets – These are nice to have. We didn’t use them to actually swaddle the baby but used them to place baby on the ground, cover her in stroller, cover up while breastfeeding.
Baby monitor – For a typical baby monitor we used the infant optic. The monitor was good but the batter just burned so quickly and we would have to have it on the charger to work. With our second we got the Lollipop which uses an app on our phone and I really really like it.
Changing Pad – We had two, one for our babies room and a whole separate set up in the area where we were spending most of our time.
Changing pad sheet – We used these, and then put a waterproof liner on top of it so that when there were pee or poop explosions we wouldn’t need to change the whole thing out.
Diaper Stuff
Diaper Pail – We started with the Ubbi, I loved it for about 1.5 and then the metal started to smell like poop. With our second we got the Dekor. It was fine with breast milk poop but as soon as real poop diapers went in there it couldn’t contain the smell. Overall the Ubbi did a great job of keeping the poop smell out.
Diaper Caddy – while not meant for diapers this thing from Ikea was perfect for us.
Wipe Dispenser – while not necessary, it’s nice to have.
Wipe Warmer – Some people swear by, others think it’s a nice to have. The warmer we got dried out the wipes and then I just gave up on it altogether.
Strollers/Car Seats/Carriers
Stroller – This is definitely going to be a personal preference based on your needs as a family. Do your research and decide what you need. If you think you’re going to be running with the baby, invest in a running stroller. If you’re definitely going to have two kids, maybe get a stroller that adapts i.e Uppababy Vista.
Travel Stroller – This was something we didn’t realize we needed when we were registering. The pockit stroller folds up into the size of a purse. It’s super convenient when traveling as you don’t need to gate check it. It fits in the overhead.
Infant Car Seat – Again this is a personal choice. Having an infant car seat is super convenient. With our first we had the maxi cosi, we didn’t love it for a couple of weird usability things that probably make us crazy. With our second, we wanted a super light one with our second so we went with the Nuna Pipa lite. We love it.
Convertible Car Seat – If you want to save money you can also skip the infant car seat altogether and get a convertible car seat. We have the Nuna Rava and love it, but we also have Graco Extend2Fit and its awesome and half the price.
Carriers: This is definitely going to be dealers choice. I have SO MANY, most were hand me downs from friends.
Boba wrap – I have the Boba and Ktan, which are very similar. I preferred the boba wrap, its easier to make it fit your body and has an elasticity that I appreciated. It was a lifesaver when my son was a newborn and needed to be held all the time.
Ergo -We also have the Ergo 360. The new one doesn’t require an infant insert and this makes this product superior. Because my son didn’t love the stroller I ended up wearing him in this until I was 6 months pregnant and could no longer wear him comfortably over my bump.
Play Gear
Activity Gym – We had two of these as it was a great place to set baby down. We had this one and this one and liked them both for different reasons.
Tummy Time Pillows – I used the pillow that came with the skip hop gym and then used our boppy a lot as well.
Sitting Mats – We got these when our son started sitting up so that we could soften our floors. Doesn’t work for everyone but these were great and fun.
Activity Cube – We had this one and this one. They were both great for different reasons. The fisher price one was great because it was sturdy enough for when our son started pulling up on it.
Activity Center – This was a great place to keep baby contained and entertained.